Monuments & Sites

Introduction – Monuments

The Monuments Division of GMMB is primarily responsible for the protection, conservation and management of all listed National and UNESCO World Heritage Properties and Sites in Ghana. The division ensures that the authenticity and integrity of the listed national heritage properties are preserved, maintained and demonstrated. In addition, the division gives technical assistance for the management of some the country’s historic structures and spaces of outstanding universal value.

The Monuments Division is assigned to carry out the:

  1. Setting up a comprehensive national register of cultural heritage and national inventory of immovable cultural properties
  2. Implementation of programmes on listed buildings
  3. Determination of the state of deterioration and setting up of priority programmes for conservation and restoration activities.

There are four regional offices of the Monuments Division that take charge of the nation’s monuments: these are located in Accra, Cape Coast, Kumasi and Wa.


Forts, Castles & ATBs

Other Monuments & sites

Archeological Sites