Fort Dorothea, Akwidaa (1685)

Fort Dorothea, Akwidaa (1685)

In 1683, the Brandenburger Company built a lodge in Akwida, east of Cape Three Points in the Western Region of Ghana in 1683. According to Albert van Danzig, ‘Fort Dorothea was originally built as a small triangular building. Situated on a promontory and the end of a peninsula between the mouth of the Suni River and the sea, it had much natural protection’ .

The lodge was captured in 1690, and enlarged into a fort by the Dutch. It was renamed Fort Dorothea. It is currently preserved as a ruin.

Contact Details:

Central and Western Regions
Cape Coast Castle
Cape Coast
Tel +233-3321 32529

Source: van Dantzig, Albert, Forts and Castles of Ghana, pg 38.