Ussher Fort Museum (2007)

Ussher Fort Museum (2007)

Ussher Fort Museum is located within Ussher Fort, a former European stronghold in Accra.  It was opened in 2007, having been developed by Ghana’s Ministry of Tourism, in partnership with the European Union and UNESCO.

The museum aims to draw the attention of Ghanaians and tourists to the history of the slave trade in Ghana.  The story of the industry’s development and impact is told inside the museum through wall paintings and through the display of articles once used by the captors and their victims.

Exhibits include: shackles, weaponry, drinking cups made of clay, large grinding stones; a model of a slave vessel; wall paintings depicting the coming of the Europeans and their subsequent treatment of slaves; and images of those who fought for the abolition of the slave trade, such as William Wilberforce, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, John Russwurm, John H. Lawson, Henry Highland and Samuel Ringgold Ward.

It is hoped that the museum will encourage visitors to spend some more time in Accra before heading to the more well-known cultural tourism destinations in Cape Coast and Elmina.

The museum’s opening hours are Monday to Saturday (including public holidays), from 9:00am to 4:30pm.

Entrance fees are as follows:

Lower & Upper Primary GH¢    5.00
JHS Students GH¢ 6.00
SHS Students GH¢    6.00
Tertiary Students / Volunteers with ID GH¢ 10.00
Ghanaian Adults GH¢    20.00
Non-Ghanaian Lower & Upper Primary GH¢ 20.00
Non-Ghanaian JHS/SHS with ID GH¢  30.00
Non-Ghanaian Tertiary Students / Volunteers with ID GH¢ 60
Non-Ghanaian Adults GH¢  80.00

Entrance fees were reviewed in July 2023.

Contact details:

Postal Address:       P.O. Box GP 3343, Accra
Telephone:             +233 302 664268 / +233 302 664268